
a poem by 宋尚緯 你願意和我說些話嗎 (are you willing to speak with me?) 說些溫柔的話 (speak warm and gentle words) 讓我忘記死亡 (Let me forget about death) 忘記⽇常的鬼魅 (Forget the ghosts of everyday life) 在我身邊遊蕩 (Waiting beside my body) 看⾒躺下的樣⼦像字 (Lying down like a written word) 逐漸變⼩,才想起 (Slowly shrinking, it comes to me) 問你是否願意 (To ask you if […]


tbd 做清單 + Three Character Classic, 1000 Character Classic 王旅星 (wang2 lv3 xing1) 龍旅星 (long2 lv3 xing1) 萬旅星 (wan4 lv3 xing1) 旅 travel (lv3) 星 star (xing1) 書法 + 練習書法: 待辦 Dài bàn (upcoming) 事項 shìxiàng (items) 列表 lièbiǎo (list) + … 做清單 Zuò qīngdān + … 藝術 Yìshù (art) + … 鍛煉習慣 Duànliàn xíguàn […]

漢語 tones

Tones in Mandarin are easy, except when they’re not, which is every time a native Chinese speaker talks or tries to understand what you’re saying. It’s commonly taught that there are only five tones (four tones, plus a neutral tone). You can learn those five tones quickly. I guess that’s really easy. Let’s look at […]


Following the outside-in approach, start with danger zone responses, and then develop learning zone phrases. Remember to condition these as responses. Imagine you’re in the appropriate situation and then say the phrase. Repeat until it becomes automatic, such that the real-life situation will trigger the response. 危險區 I’ve compiled a list of danger zone responses […]


My goal will be to learn Mandarin Chinese and traditional Chinese characters. Specifically, to read a newspaper, write and type, and converse well-enough to (for example) ask meaningful questions at a museum. 做清單 + currently deferring study 建議 These are resources that I have found the most useful, and would recommend to anyone learning Chinese. […]